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Blog 7 steps to an Adorable DIY Manicure and Pedicure at Home

7 steps to an Adorable DIY Manicure and Pedicure at Home

It’s said that a professional manicure and pedicure provides a powerful remedial experience. But, it’s not easy to achieve an awesome nail art out. You walk into the salon and an hour later, a perfectly polished set of nails makes you beautifully groomed.

But, there’s not always the time and money to get into the salon to have regularly spoiled tips and toes. You can achieve an adorable manicure and pedicure doing by yourself at home with the following 7 steps.

Well, at first you need to gather your tools, you’ll need:

  1. Nail polish remover and cotton pads.
  2. Nail file.
  3. Cuticle remover.
  4. Cuticle pusher and nippers.
  5. Nail polish (base coat, color and top coat).

Step 1: Clean previously applied nail polish

At first, clean all the remaining polish with the help of nail polish remover. There are two types of nail remover; acetone and non-acetone. An acetone based nail polish remover is a bit harsh than non-acetone removers but they get the job done faster. After the remaining nail polish is removed, next thing you need to do is use clippers or nail file to gently shape your nails to your desired length and shape. Apply buffing block to smooth the surface of your nails. This will remove the yellow stains that you get from wearing too much dark polish.

Step 2: Soak and Scrub

Soak away the hands for two or three minutes and feet for five minutes.But, keep in mind that over-away the dead and dry cells with the help of the ingredients; mixture of one tablespoon of sugar and tablespoon of baby oil gel. soaking actually damages skin and nails, so limit soaking to three minutes or less. Then gently scrub your dead and dry cells with the mixture of one tablespoon of sugar and one tablespoon of baby oil gel.

Step 3: Care for your cuticles

Apply some oil on your hand to soften your cuticles. Use orangewood stick to get a really nice shape of your cuticles. This tool can also be used to clean dirt from under the nail. After you do the cleaning part, do some massage and moisturize your hand.

Step 4: Apply base coat

Apply a base coat to protect your nails. It will ensure that your nail polish is well maintained and helps your nail art lasts longer. It is better to use one thin coat.

Step 5: Polish your nails

Apply a nail polish in a thin layer, allowing color to dry completely between each coat. If you are not habituated to painting nails, it will be better to use lighter shade of polish. Your mistake will be less noticeable. But, the prime thing to paint beautiful nail is make the layer of polish as thin as possible. Your nail will last long as well as help the polish dry quickly.

Step 6: Shine away

Applying a shining coat at the top layer of the nail paint will add more shine as well as longevity. This will help in smoothing any flub and flaws.

Step 7: Rest your nail and don’t touch anything

At last, after finishing coating your nail, rest a nail for a couple of minutes until it dries. You can just lie at the coach and watch television chilling out. But, don’t mistake by daring to dry you nail art for fun. The drafty air will just make bubbles and ruin your polish.

I hope you find these manicure and pedicure tips helpful. Please share your thoughts and tips to DIY manicure and pedicure at the comments below. Sharing is caring!

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