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Blog Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Acne Scars

Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Acne Scars

Nobody is 100% sure about the reason behind acne, but skin experts all around the world believe that it has something to do with the hormone called androgen. Androgen is a hormone produced in the body once you reach puberty.

Acne can be embarrassing and a wretched condition to experience, regardless of the fact; either you are a teenager or an adult. Even though, the chances of acne flare ups and recurrences reduces over the years, the scars and after marks of acne remains, which may affect your confidence and self-esteem.

Who likes scars and that too on the face! Getting rid of acne scars is a little tougher than eliminating acne actually. However, as the saying goes, nothing is impossible. It may take some time but regular efforts, with the use of certain bleaching agents as well as other ingredients, may lighten the scars and can gradually remove them permanently. So, let’s find out what those ingredients are:

  1. Lemon juice

Lemon is a natural bleaching agent. It is enriched with Vitamin C which helps in rebuilding collagen. The use of lemon juice on the spot can help make the scar appear lighter day by day. The acid found in lemon can not only brighten your skin and cause the scar to fade; it also reduces swollen pimples and their redness. And it is one of the most easily available ingredients as well, so all you have to do is squeeze some of its fresh juice, and just apply it every day.

However, make sure that you don’t go out in the sun, or use a sunscreen even if you have to go, even after hours of application. The lemon juice makes your skin sensitive to sun’s rays.

 How to use it:

Squeeze the fresh juice on a container, dab a cotton cushion on it, and apply on the affected area. Or, mix lemon juice and water, and apply in that area. For best results, let it rest for at least two hours before washing your face.

  1. Honey

Honey acts as a natural antiseptic and agent for the removal the acne scars. Additionally, it acts as a mitigating operator, which helps your skin recover. Eating honey and applying a honey mask on the face are found to be effective in acne scar treatment.

 How to use it:

Apply honey directly on the scar, leave it overnight and wash it off in the morning. Or, mix 2 tablespoons of honey with ¼ cup of oatmeal. Apply this mixture gently on pimple scars. Leave it for about 15-20 minutes then wash off with lukewarm water.

  1. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is very popular as a healing agent, as it has incendiary properties which help scars to fade rapidly. It prevents the overabundance of oil and keeps the skin hydrated. It not only soothes swollen skin, but also helps in regenerating damaged tissues, enhancing the healing process. Rather than using over the counter products containing Aloe Vera, opt for fresh gel like substance directly from the Aloe Vera plant.

 How to use it:

Take an Aloe Vera stem and peel its outer green cover. Underneath the outer cover, you will notice a gel like substance. Take this gel and apply it on your scars. Leave it for about half an hour and then wash it off. For the best results, apply this gel twice daily. You will start noticing the results in just few days. Not only will the scars diminish, but your skin will also start glowing and become tighter.

  1. Tomatoes

Rubbing tomato slices on scars is also found to be very effective in lessening the appearance of the marks or scars. This is partially due to the vitamin A and carotenes in tomatoes, which not only give it the red color, but also have the property to cure damaged tissues and boost the healthy regeneration of cells.

 How to use it:

Take a tomato and blend it into fine paste. Apply the paste on your scars and leave it on for an hour. Wash it off as the paste dries and the skin tightens. The paste will control the oil discharge and lighten the acne scars. Repeat the process consistently for better results.

  1. Cucumber

Cucumber has a lot of amazing natural benefits, as it helps in toning, calming and reducing puffiness on your under eye circles. It is refreshing, soothing and leaves a cooling sensation on the skin. It also has the ability to lighten scars effectively. It reduces swollen pimples, lightens redness and acne scars with consistent use.

 How to use it:

Take 1 large cucumber and peel off the skin. Remove cucumber seeds from the center and cut them into pieces. Blend the pieces in a mixture. Now apply it on your scar with the help of cotton ball. The process must be followed once in a day to help your scars fade faster. Allow it to dry for around 15 to 20 minutes, and then rinse it off with water. Pat your skin dry.

Find out, by experimenting, which of the above remedies works best on your scar, as some will be more suitable for your skin type. Have patience and treat your skin with great care.

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